This Sunday

Order of Service


July 28, 2024


Pre-Service Song: LUYH 755 Across the Lands vs 1-3



God Calls Us to Worship

*Song of Approach: LUYH 512 Now With Joyful Exultation vs 1-3
*Call to Worship
God’s Greeting 
*Song: LUYH 347 The Steadfast Love of the Lord 







We Are Reconciled to God

Prayer of Confession
God Assures Us of His Forgiveness 
God Calls Us to Covenant Faithfulness
Song: LUYH 329 Lead me Guide me vs 1-3





God Comes to Us in His Word

Children’s Message
*Children’s Song: LUYH 709 Jesus Loves Me vs 1-3
We Pray for the Holy Spirit’s Presence and Help
Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 6:1-12
Message: Do Not Forget



We Respond With Prayer and Thanks

*Song of Response: Who You Say I Am 
Congregational Prayer
Offering: Seafarers
Offertory: LUYH 762 Ancient Words








God Sends Us With a Blessing

*God’s Blessing
*Parting Song: LUYH 5 Let All Things Now Living vs 1-2